Tuesday, June 23, 2009

James Gosling's Keynote at Jazoon

Ok, this morning, I sat through a keynote by James Gosling at Jazoon 2009. This was the first time I saw the father of Java in person. Maybe I should have gone to shake hands with him after the talk (but I decided to move on). JG seems like a cool geek.

Most of the presentation was decent. Java, Java , Java and all the fun projects he works on - real time Java etc.

But it was the shameless plug on JavaFX (nobody really cares), Netbeans (prefer Eclipse or IDEA) and Glassfish that was not very much fun. Maybe someone at Sun said if you do not plug these, your trip will not be expensed.

Now back at the hotel, I read this blog post from the OSGi Alliance refuting James's assertion that OSGi is fat. I am pretty sure Sun (soon to be Snorkel) has tremendous NIH (Not Invented Here) or NIBU (Not Invented By Us) syndrome.

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