Thursday, July 21, 2005

.Net versus Java

I moved over to the Java world from the MS world around 1998. Ever since, I have been attached to open standards, open forums, zero monopoly blah blah.

I fell in love with Java ever since, as I did not have to deal with the platform idiosynchracies. Now .Net is trying to make a comeback in my mind.

I had taken a huge laugh when MS created C# and then .Net and then Passport. Okay, C# gives you the best of C++ and Java. As I have been focussing on Web Services, a topic that is hot right now is how to make .Net programs communicate with Java programs.

MS, IBM etc created Web Services for this reason. Interoperability!!!

Since Web Services has promise, I need to give .Net a shot.

Apart from this, there is discussion about integrating .Net and J2EE via JMS. Ofcourse messaging can be the glue. Take a look at: .Net/J2EE via JMS

But I think there are two simpler ways of integrating .Net and J2EE (or JEE - whatever):- Databases and Regular files. BUT the developer has to do the brunt work in a non standard way.

I was reading Eric Newcomer's book: "Understanding Web Services". In that he mentions that J2EE views Web Services as Objects and Classes that will be turned into webservices by the webservice provider, whereas .Net views Web Services as something that will be created by a developer, which will be turned into Objects and classes by the .Net implementation. How true? Microsoft has always been the King at providing point and click tools to the developer/end user and does the brunt work (however mysterious it may be) in the background.

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